-Award-winning AUTHOR of The Horn King Series-

Lester & Ross are the legendary talking thieves tools that were discovered in the pages of The Orb of Truth. These two have garnered many epic fantasy fans and the biggest question they all have is how did L&R come to be.
Well, Brae Wyckoff, creator of these adorable picks has that story. The book is outlined and he has started the initial chapters.
Release date is undetermined. Stay tuned...
Learn more about these characters in their first interview on a blog posting. Click on the link below:

More of the Horn King Series coming...
Brae is continuing to work on more books for the epic series that started it all for him...the Horn King series is only just beginning.
The next book is titled "The Sword of the Elements" and there is no release date at this point but he has begun to outline the work in preparation of writing it. Brae will be taking us East into the Province of Zoar, Abawken's home. We will see what happens with Trillius Triplehand and Jack the vampire.