-Award-winning AUTHOR of The Horn King Series-
WAYS to STALK Brae Wyckoff
You can find Brae Wyckoff on all social media sites. LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, YouTube, Blog, Radio, Websites, Amazon, and any other you can think of...Below are a few areas that Brae wants to highlight directly.
Official Facebook Fan Club
Brae Wyckoff interacts with his fans almost daily on Facebook. Join the fun!
Official Orb of Truth Book Trailer
The epic saga begins with The Orb of Truth, now available on Amazon in paperback or ebook.
Blog Talk Radio - Broadcast Muse
Brae Wyckoff interviews interesting people from around the world! Brae is always up to something on his show and keeps everyone well entertained.
The Greater News
Brae and Jill Wyckoff are the founders of the International website and facebook page called The Greater News. If you are looking for the real Supernatural then head over to TGN. Brae and Jill are seeking after God's presence and reporting on God's power around the world.